WEX is a globally known provider of payment processing solutions to millions of businesses in different markets such as fleet, travel, and health. In Australia, WEX has a long history of providing tailored services with convenience and security across a wide range of business sectors in the country. For 30 years, the company has been reinventing and upgrading its payment technology to help businesses in Australia conduct operations easier and faster and ensure growth and success. WEX’s products and services include roadside assistance, electronic payments, trade solution, GPS tracking solutions, gift card programs, and the company’s first product - the fleet card or fuel card. The brand’s fleet management solutions are highlighted by WEX Motorpass Card. This fuel card is advertised as a facility that “keeps your fleet and your business moving, wherever you are.”
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WEX Australia spearheaded in delivering helpful solutions to the vehicle fleet market in the country. Designed for businesses that have operations on the road, WEX introduced its fleet management solutions, including WEX Roadside Assistance, Linxio Telematics, and the WEX Motorpass.
WEX Motorpass is the brand’s fleet card or fuel card that is launched to help businesses of all sizes manage their fleets more efficiently. The card features a full range of security options and card purchasing controls which help in controlling fuel and other vehicle-related expenses.
WEX Motorpass is a multi-branded fuel card widely accepted at more than 6,000 service stations across Australia. Whichever roads you’re taking, convenience is ensured when you have this fuel card.
Other benefits include access to partner benefits, discounts, and deals on both fuel and non-fuel items, online or mobile app management of the account, and dedicated customer service.
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