CIRCLE Alliance Bank prides itself on being the ethical banking alternative. As a social enterprise bank, CIRCLE strives to change the way in which we view banking, providing a financial organisation customers can rely on, to trust their bank not only with their own money, but to do good within their community.
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Looking for reasons to make the switch from your current bank to CIRCLE Alliance Bank? Here are some features that may encourage you to make the switch.
Social enterprises are all about making change within our society. So, how does CIRCLE Alliance Bank focus on making change?
Having been assessed by not-for-profit organisation B Lab, CIRCLE has met rigorous measures of social and environmental performance, accountability and transparency to become a B Corp. Having B Corp certification means CIRCLE Alliance Bank has been recognised as a sustainable organisation that uses the power of business and profit to solve social and environmental problems.
Think this is something you’d like to be part of? Check out CIRCLE’s credit card offering to see whether it’s right for you - and your social conscience.
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