With over 700 locations in Victoria, New South Wales, the Australian Capital Territory, Queensland, and Western Australia, 7-Eleven is one of the country's largest private companies.
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The first 7-Eleven store in Australia opened its doors in the Melbourne suburb of Oakleigh, Victoria on August 24, 1977. Shortly after, the first 24 hour store opened in Brunswick, Victoria on January 20, 1978. The idea of having trade hours that’s suited to customer demands was revolutionary.
The majority of stores are in urban areas, particularly in central business districts. In suburban areas, stores are widely employed as gas stations and the bulk of them are owned and operated as franchises under the supervision of a central administration.
7-Eleven outlets carry a wide selection of commodities such as drinks, pastry and snack foods and even daily newspapers. They sell gift cards, including a variety of prepaid Visa cards.
In 2010, 7-Eleven acquired Mobil's last Australian gas stations and transformed them into 7-Eleven sites. This business move resulted in the brand’s sudden major expansion and has now become one of the largest independent fuel retailers in Australia.
At present, 7-Eleven continuously strives hard in providing quality Mobil petrol, diesel and other quality fuels that’s meant to optimise engine performance at hundreds of locations across Australia.
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